Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Saga of the Injured Hand

So, in the last blog post, I mentioned that I had to wear a cast for a week because of a strained ligament. That's not true. The outcome isn't that bad, but it took me a while to get the diagnosis that I have now. Here's how it went:

First, the doctor (male) who examined me immediately after the injury said that the ligament wasn't torn. My German teacher specifically asked him, and he said no. What he then said was not that I could get the cast off in a week, but rather that I had to go to the hospital in Braunau (near the school) to see if I needed further medical attention.

One week later and I go to the hospital. They cut the cast off and the two doctors (female) assure me that the ligament is indeed torn. They give me paperwork to fill out so that I can decide whether I want an operation or not and they poke and prod at my thumb so much that I almost pass out in the examination room and then do pass out in the cast room as they're casting my thumb (can I use casting like that?).

I fill out the paperwork, talk with a rather unhelpful person at Adventist Risk Management, and go back to the hospital the next day. The doctor (male) looks at my cast, cuts it off and then tells me to hold a bottle of water. I do. He then says, "It's not torn. If it was torn, you couldn't hold that bottle right now. Also, you aren't bruised in the right places for a tear."

He wrote me a prescription for a thumb brace, which I have to wear for four weeks, after which I will apparently be fine.

Moral of the story: Always see male doctors.

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